Elevated Authenticity

Where Mission Minded Women Thrive

Be you at a higher level
Join the Community
Introducing a brand new community cultivating personal and professional growth, authenticity, collaboration, and purpose-driven impact in your life and career.
Define Your Purpose
Tap Your Potential
Find Your People

Let me ask...does this describe you?

You're overwhelmed and exhausted by all the demands on your time and energy
You're reactive, restless, and unfulfilled
You're sick of negativity and the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
You're going through the motions because you're not really sure what you want anymore
You're tired of walking this road on your own and wonder if there are others like you
You want to stop living according to what you should be and start becoming what you could be
You want to slow down and intentionally do the things that matter most to you
You want to be positive, productive, and pursue a bigger rision for your life
You want to blaze your own path and do work that makes your heart come fully alive
You want a community of like-minded women who will inspire, support, and challenge you to be your best

If you answered yes to any of these, then it's time for you to join us.

What We Believe
I thought I had good boundaries, but when I came up on some people pushing my buttons in my personal life and business, I knew I needed help.
Going through Dale’s Boundary Bootcamp in the community has helped me see and feel exactly how I felt when I was pushed, how to respond and feel comfortable in standing up for myself. She’s also helped me figure out who I am and how my authentic personality works in my life. I’ve learned so much about myself and it’s helped me grow my business too!
Mary H., Harmonic Egg of Boulder County

Become a member today.

Most Popular


14 Day Free Trial
24/7 Unlimited Access to Member Portal
3 Scheduled LIVE coaching sessions and trainings
Self-paced Growth and Development courses
Community Forums for accountability and support
Group challenges to get you moving together
Premium coaching worksheets and exercises
Fresh new content added monthly
Become a Member

What's included?

Exclusive access to Dale's personal library of trainings, tools and resources ten years in the making. Inside you'll find the Elevated Authenticity Blueprint, Career Pivot, Your Personal Brand, Boundary Bootcamp, God's Design for Moms, and Personality Mega-Pack and Time Management Toolkit and much more!
Three group coaching sessions each month with Dale. You're invited to LIVE trainings, Q & A sessions with member success stories, and her faith-based mastermind. You'll get monthly challenges and support check-ins to make sure you are realizing your fullest potential.
An online community forum where you can hang out with other mission-minded women. Ask questions, proclaim your goals, get support and guidance, and share your successes. And don't miss the Elevated Authenticity exclusive annual retreat to get inspired, motivated and solidify your connections.

And much more...

Dale Wilsher is by far one of the most inspiring and motivating women I have ever met. I love her genuine care for the women in the community.
She is so personable, relatable and wise. I have received so many good ideas from participating in the community with the Mastermind sessions and the Q&A meetups. The library of resources are invaluable! I got so much out of the career 360 and the what's your mom type. I had never heard a speaker relate the disc assessment to parenting style but it makes so much sense!! I highly recommend taking advantage of all the resources Dale makes available in the authentic community.
Jill Z., Membership and Communications Manager at MOCPA

As a member of Elevated Authenticity you will finally...


Know if you're wearing a personality mask and how to build your strengths without obsessing over your weaknesses.


Revitalize your relationships and hold space for the best in others.


Clarify your core values and make aligned decisions so the urgent doesn't hijack what's most important to you.


Stop overthinking and start mastering a positive and productive mindset.


Define your mission, vision, and purpose so you can live out your calling and do what really matters.


Stop giving away your power and strengthen your leadership presence.


Deepen your spiritual walk and incorporate your faith with your personal and professional growth.


Gain strength from the support of othersand build your confidence like never before so that you show up as your best authentic self.

Dale Wilsher PCC, CCSP
Professional Development Expert

Hi, I'm Dale Wilsher and I can't wait for you to join us!

I’m the owner of Your Authentic Personality, a training and coaching company that I started about 10 years ago. I’m a certified life & leadership coach with the International Coaching Federation and trainer in DISC personality profiles. I'm a keynote speaker, an award-winning author, and my dentist says I have good teeth.

The reason this topic means so much to be is that I have felt significant pressure both internally and externally to be all things to all people for years in my life.
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First, in my family where my personality was not the favorite, leading me to try to be anyone other than who I was. Then in grad school attempting to complete my PhD in molecular biology, the wrong environment for my personality type, trying to be what I should be and certain something was wrong with me. To my time as a single mom tasked with full custody of my four daughters. Talk about needing to be all things to all people.

All of these experiences sucked the identity right out of me, leaving me confused, insecure, and playing a very small game.

But that was then.

Today I know my own distinction-my personality, passion, and purpose-and I'm using it to rise up, stand tall, and leap tall buildings in a single bound.

This membership is my answer to the exhaustion, confusion, and self-doubt that I experienced while trying to do it all. It's based on proven techniques and established pathways that have helped me and hundreds of my clients find their authentic way.

I can't wait for you to experience them too!

ICF Certified PCC Coach
DISC Certified Behavioral Consultant
U.S Chamber of Commerce Faculty Member
This group is right for you if...
You're a purpose-driven woman who wants to serve at the highest level
You are a business owner who wants to build a brand with great influence
You're a heart-led leader committed to growing yourself and developing your people
You're a high-level thinker who believes there is more to you than you know
You're a hard working professional dedicated to living your fullest life and doing your truest work
If you answered yes to any of these, then this program is for you!
I thought I had good boundaries, but when I came up on some people pushing my buttons in my personal life and business, I knew I needed help. Going through Dale’s Boundary Bootcamp in the community has helped me see and feel exactly how I felt when I was pushed, how to respond and feel comfortable in standing up for myself. She’s also helped me figure out who I am and how my authentic personality works in my life. I’ve learned so much about myself and it’s helped me grow my business too!
Mary H., Harmonic Egg of Boulder County
I have beenextremely impressedwith the quality and quantity of trainings through the membership.
Lindsay M., Consulting Manager

Become a member today

Most Popular


24/7 Unlimited Access to Member Portal
3 Scheduled LIVE coaching sessions and trainings
Self-paced Growth and Development courses
Community Forums for accountability and support
Group challenges to get you moving together
Premium coaching worksheets and exercises
Fresh new content added monthly
Become a Member

I personally cannot wait to meet you in the membership.

Understanding my personality, passion, and purpose has changed my life. It's given me the definition and direction I have needed to be intentional and responsible with my strengths and gifts. It's made me confident in my contribution and hardened to the haters, those critics who play it safe and never risk living a distinctive life.

I have one life to live and I plan on living it to the full, seeing exactly what I'm capable of, and never ever giving up.

I hope you're with me because your family, your company, and the world need exactly what you have to offer. I promise to teach you everything I know, provide you with every bit of courage I can, and introduce you to the most amazing women I know.

In your corner,